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Calves for Sale

Tex is a tiny little guy with a big name. He was born March 22, 2024. He is chondro +. His dam is Tina and sire is Double Stuff. He is solid! He loves bossing his bud Paddy around. He is a little shy. He will take treats from your hand but is not really sure of what he thinks of hugs and kisses.

Tex and Paddy are best buddies and would like to stay together in their forever home if possible

Ohhhh... this little leprechaun is a treasure. He was born on St. Patrick's Day 2024. Paddy is chondro + and a tiny mischievous little boy. His is a Hereford/Highland cross (Ester and Frank). His markings are perfect and he is exactly what you look for conformationally in a miniature.

This dun tip handsome guy is Clooney! He is chondro negative. Clooney also does not have horns. He was born April 15th, 2024. His dam is Georgia, the sweetest cow at Mini Cow Farms, and his sire is Frank. He will be more mid size. His coat is really thick and soft so I think he takes after his sire. I can't wait to see how he develops. He has potential to make someone a great herd sire if they want some color added to their farm.
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